Good platforming level design.
It's generally intuitive to figure out how to traverse around, but at times it can be slow to get a footing, cancelled aiming on collision & too much friction on walls. Interesting platforming using a rotating rigidbody weapon to traverse an odd shaped environment. (I wish there were sparks & clanking when bumping into stuff as it happens often & otherwise seems a bit static, but that's just me).
In the level "look for clues...", the maze of shelves & destroyable barriers to open a pathway with some backtracking was a good touch. Also like the exitways of vents/windows/doors. There's a decent difficulty curve through out allowing the user to get used to the controls before introducing larger levels or new challenges. It was a good break from platforming to have switch-ups in gameplay style such as free-falling or first-person-shooter.
The return to restock ammo mechanic & retry button got me invested in retrying after making mistakes allowing quick progression.
The cutscenes style is effective to paint the context of the story to tie the levels together.